Saturday 10 December 2011


Running out of ideas for commercials? 
Finding it very hard to relate your thoughts into the commercial you want to make? 
Best way of getting rid of all of these problems is animating your commercials! 
Practically, through animating them, you are allowing yourself to put any impossible thing in your commercial and still make it look possible! 
For example, even violation wouldn't look that bad on animation! 
Check out how this works (: 

Advertising Business Techniques

Most people think of a sign as little more than a painted board marking a business location.For business owners who think the same, they do so at their own determent! In 98% of all U.S retailing, the business sign is the basic thing to the public, for attracting new costumers, branding the business, and creating impulse sales. By example: Mcdonalds has 26000 locations and spends about 40000 dollars on signage per store, and that's one billion and forty million dollars worth of signs! Why would fast food restaurants spend so much on signage? because a one year survey revealed that that forty thousand  dollars worth of signage was responsible for over 600,000 dollars in sales! there's an incredible value inheriting signage! Specially when its viewed as a way to marking a business!
And when used as a part of an overall strategy, its full potential can be realized; increasing sales, cutting costs, helping businesses grow!

Ever thought these signs were as important as mentioned? (:

Commercial fallacies

An Appeal to Emotion is a fallacy with the following structure:
  1. Favorable emotions are associated with X.
  2. Therefore, X is true! 
EVIDENCE FOUND! Food commercials really do lie to you :O ! They even teach some people how to make the food look so inviting and good ! so many youtube videos I found actually prove the point I've made in my previous post ! But I've picked the shortest one for you guys to see :) ! 

Check how they make burgers and french fries look so yummi <3 

Evolution of Ads.

70s through 80s through 90s and now the 2000 and coming commercials. Living among these years we might not notice how the commercials evolved, but comparing them to each other we'd see a huge difference! Old products that have been there since so long and having commercials since a long time have the process of evolution of commercials perfectly fitted in their ads. Let's take McDonalds as an example and see it's commercials.
The 70s commercial of McDonalds:
see how the commercial shows how old it is? do you realize the difference between the proffessionalism of this commercial with what we see on the T.V now? Let's see how'd it become at the 80's:
see how the commercial wasn't even so concentrated on the product itself? the ideas weren't uniquely picked, and weren't developed as perfect as now? check the development in the 90's :
now that's more like a good commercial! At least it's inviting no? noticed the evolution? of course, nothing's better than a mac commercial in 2011 :D :
Pretty a lot of development right? :D

haha I think you got my point! <3

Friday 9 December 2011

a NEGATIVE point for age-specialized commercials !


Careful people! Not all advertisements are innocent and cutely put in the breaks of your favorite show!

SOME actually turn you FROM :


! :O 


Ever wondered why you suddenly feel like Kinder Bueno after you're done watching The O.C
Ever wondered why you order Macdonalds after watching Pretty Women?
Ever wondered why your kid eats your head because of how badly they want Chitoes although they were soundly watching Tom & Jerry a minute ago?? 

YUP ! the reason is these ADS that you do not even remember seeing when you're watching your show/movie/program/cartoon ! It's an invasion really ! 

well yeah I know we're old enough to realize we shouldn't want some of that every time we see a commercial of it, but kids don't :D ! 

Studies have been made to prove how this has an indirect effect on you, and what are the chances that food advertisements are all SO FREAKINGLY INVITING! 

I hope this opens your eyes to something! You don't want yourself/your kid to turn out to be as fat as a pig :') !

Everyday I'm KIA SOUL-ING

"First they drove. Then they rapped. Now they're dancing (to LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem). But they're not doing any old dance. They're shuffling. And they're doing it harder, faster and better than any hamster has ever shuffled before. Did you see their performance during the MTV VMA's? If not, here is the encore presentation.

Not only are the hamsters making a comeback; the Kia Soul, the urban crossover vehicle that started a craze is back and better than ever delivering more power and better fuel efficiency than ever before, the 2012 Kia Soul" 

This is what the commercial presents through the most cutest video ever! Haha, it's such a unique idea I loved it, so I thought I'd put it in here and talk about it a bit! Let's first watch the video :D 

So this commercial used the idea of dancing hamsters from the original idea of the popular movie "Alvin and the Chipmunks" and the idea of a type of an extremely energetic (also popular) type of dancing which is shuffling to advertise a type of car, which is Kia Soul! I think the motto speaks for itself there isn't much to explain :O. "A new way to roll" is a blend of everything that is fast, new, strong, and pretty! I just loved the combination and these hamsters make it even cuter! <3 

Hope you enjoyed ^_^

Wednesday 7 December 2011

80s Commercials!

Advertisements and commercials have improved by the ages, through their quality, uniqueness, and exaggeration.  Commercials in the 80s for example were super simple, and full of typical things that were extremely repeated, not much effort was put into advertising as much as it is now. All of them were purely cute and as we see them now we can clearly see how innocent the ideas of commercials were. Involved in the world's evolution, commercials had made their way to the best now... Somehow some people still like the old way of presenting commercials =/ ! I have no idea why, I think they're so "old generation" kind of thing :O! 
ANYWAY! check them out through this video! 

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Some of the Best Commercials!

Actually I haven't searched these pictures up! But I came across some TUMBLR account that posted them and just thought I would share them with you :D ! They're actually commercial pictures, they're like the best I've ever seen :D. I hope you will enjoy every single one even though I am not sure that all of them are real. <3 


Sunday 4 December 2011

Do Not Misjudge

See not all commercials commercialize some product :O ! Apparently there are ones that just include lessons about life and imply some statements! For example this "Do Not Misjudge" series of commercials really do convey a message, a very cute well debated message. Well particularly, this one shows how certain things might not look like they are at certain moments! But people always find it as a reason to misjudge or sometimes even gossip about each other... This series of commercials shows examples of such situations, and encourages people not to misjudge ( as they always do).

Here's the video <3